Ekaterin's eyes widened at this vision of a whole thundering cadre of little girls.
He may still be here," he continued a moment later, "maybe working alone or with a whole cadre.
For a whole cadre of reasons Nieh did not want to do that "You!
"Boy, I suspect there's more scientific method in your untrained head than in whole cadres of my so-called assistants."
"The new police commissioner can bring in a whole new cadre of new recruits," Mr. Halpin said.
The Authority should have a whole cadre of professionals for jobs like this.
The whole cadre of soldiers, artisans, farmers, and landlocked sailors sat speechless, eyeing one another with growing suspicion and fear.
If the situation changes -Pepperidge - I can send in a whole cadre.
He'd said earlier tonight: I can give you a whole cadre if you need one.
"It's time for a whole new cadre of donors to emerge from around the world."