We need to extend quantum uncertainty, or something very like it, throughout the whole continuum of universes.
There is a whole continuum (with regard to size) of lipoproteins traveling the blood.
You get a whole continuum and prices tend to remain in a steady state.
Wright believed that the scholar "should occasionally stand back and contemplate the whole continuum of time and of problems which give meaning to his specialized studies."
The whole continuum in the area of a nova is space that has been twisted away.
Lyco Art creates a conscious bridge between the impulsive, intuitional, and planned elements of the creative process, thereby moving along the whole continuum of formative energies.
Another contribution of R2P is to extend the intervention beyond a purely military intervention and to encompass a whole continuum of obligations:
Russian linguists argue whether the ethnonym Toyma relates to a specific tribe, a tribal group, a language or a whole continuum of Uralic languages.
It's a whole different time-space continuum.
It's as if the whole continuum was made out of --" "It's molasses," said Zabotski.