All the way down, the gun and its shield moved noiselessly The whole contrivance was rubber mounted and geared so that its descent would be even.
In a few minutes, Cranston had the whole contrivance apart as proof of his statement.
Ropes lashed firmly to them, leading over a new and massive wooden roller at the very top of the whole contrivance.
He leant forward as far as he could without tipping the whole flimsy contrivance into a downward swoop, shouted at the top of his voice, far stronger than Tolman's pipe.
And the whole contrivance was pulled up over the door and through the upper crack by the first piece.
The whole contrivance gave the impression of great strength.
In their turn, the wheels were pointed at different angles, giving the whole contrivance a wabbly, disjointed appearance.
With a sudden rise, the whole contrivance took off for the open dome, just as The Shadow reached the platform.
Sometimes the writer's publisher, without intending to, makes what amounts to a satire out of the whole contrivance.
There were two bench-seats facing into this table, the whole contrivance becoming a small double bed when adjusted.