In February he launched a whole flotilla of what they call infer als.
The whole flotilla was headed for the estuary.
"It will do Kenton good to be responsible for a whole flotilla!"
"Hey, Varian, the three who were here have gone to roost but there's a whole flotilla of "em disappearing southeast, down the sea.
Those are our ships, your Majesty, a whole good-sized flotilla of them.
Porter complied by bringing, not just 10, but the whole flotilla.
Given that their leader had slowed the whole flotilla to accommodate one ship, Harry was left to wonder how far Bartholomew would carry this.
All three looked up at the same time to watch a whole flotilla of destroyers blaze through the cold air.
We've got ourselves a little breathing room, so stand down till I call you again and then be prepared to send up the whole flotilla!
Someone new decides he or she is a prophet and takes over the whole flotilla.