Suddenly the whole of his existence was engulfed in an inferno of blinding blue light.
The whole of her existence became the act of picking up one foot and swinging it forward after the other.
The Engineering Division had learned more about the dust in the last week than during the whole of its previous existence.
She weighed the possibilities as if detached from them, a judging that seemed to bring into focus the whole of her existence, past, present, and future.
Berninger acted as its president during the whole of the group's brief existence, 1932 to 1935.
He quite suddenly knew the whole of the tree's existence.
He has been here all this time, but you can no more call it waiting than you can call the whole of his existence waiting.
Nonetheless, the ambivalence of the 1918 Congress dogged the women's section for the whole of its existence.
As far as he knew, Fran had never suffered a day of discomfort in the whole of her privileged existence.
The company was however, to persevere with side launching for the whole of its existence, and eventually these technical problems would be overcome.