The whole pantheon of Gods and Goddesses attended the ceremony.
The ancient Greeks did, creating a whole pantheon of composite creatures that were part human and part beast.
The characters include the whole pantheon of European physicists.
If beastliness is an issue, the whole pantheon begins to crumble.
The Egyptians had traditionally worshipped a whole pantheon of gods who were represented in human or animal form or as animal-headed humans.
Strictly Members only, and protected by the whole Roman pantheon.
They worship a whole pantheon of gods and demigods, and spirits of trees, animals, fire, you name it.
I love that whole pantheon.
Did the ancients watch the heavens and, from what they saw there, construct their whole complicated pantheon?
Muttering blasphemies against a whole pantheon of gods, Hal scrambled after the young man, trying with practically no success to get his attention.