He couldn't tell if it was one big ship or a whole passel of little ones, and he didn't rightly care.
The whole passel of 'em wouldn't hold a candle to the atrocities you come up with between breakfast and lunch on an average day.
He's got five more just like her, a whole passel of girls.
"I believe we can squeeze the whole passel of em inside, and on top of, the coach."
Not to mention one big daughter and a whole passel of little girls.
Poindexter must have known there was a whole passel of truth to that story.
You might have married someone else and had a whole passel of kids.
Antioch had a whole passel of these men in the desert roundabouts.
And if somebody has access to your computer and the hard drive, you've got a whole passel of other problems anyway.
I'm going to help Terry Sue with the whole passel of them, that's a done deal.