One place to find complex carbs is in whole-grain products.
Eat more whole fruits and vegetables; replace white rice, bread, and pastas with whole-grain products.
When she does indulge, she chooses whole-grain products over refined grains such as white bread and pasta.
Could the increase in whole-grain products and sales mean the food industry is willing to reform and make more healthful foods?
Try to choose whole-grain products as much as possible.
Canadian consumers can be assured of whole-grain products by a label stating 100% whole-grain whole wheat.
The following names indicate whole-grain products, in accordance with the federal government:
Three or more ounces of whole-grain products are recommended per day.
This is found on whole-grain products that contain at least 51% whole grain ingredients (by weight) and are also low in fat.
Researchers have found that consuming dietary fiber, specifically from whole-grain products such as quinoa, reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.