Mrs. Mandela responded, but did not seem to make a wholehearted effort.
Brandywine is making a wholehearted effort to introduce authentic Alsatian food to New York, and with considerable success.
Despite his wholehearted efforts, Miller controlled most of the first and third rounds and took the unanimous decision.
She was, however, a good nurse; his small nephew would make a complete recovery, largely thanks to her care and wholehearted efforts.
Their wholehearted efforts were visible as more than 250 delegates and observers representing several youth organisations of various states of India attended this session.
It is a problem that requires the wholehearted, cooperative effort of everyone.
It's a wholehearted cooperative effort or it just doesn't happen [I can't imagine a free-fall rape].
The political challenges confronting us at the present time require both deep thought and wholehearted efforts on our part.
Both sides would have been better off to have put wholehearted effort into making the Arias peace plan work.
Jim, you've got to give this work your wholehearted efforts.