Everything that was perceived to be of value was taken from them, before their wholesale murder and afterward.
Probably wholesale murder on a scale too horrible to imagine.
I'm goin' to get to the bottom of this wholesale murder!
America and other countries committed to upholding international law against wholesale murder must do their utmost to see that he comes to trial.
Whatever grievance these Disciples have, it doesn't open the door to wholesale murder.
He must get free and stop this wholesale murder that was going to take place!
"I've always thought a few wholesale murders would be beneficial to the community," said Luke.
But, however comfortable the wholesale murders were to these high authorities, they had not that soothing effect upon the doll-King.
Then it would head to sea, outstripping all the harbor craft - away to safety, after wholesale murder!
Tell them you intend to put a stop to this wholesale murder if it takes every cent you've got.