Facing opposition from his military commanders, President Vladimir V. Putin postponed plans today to cut the armed forces by a third and said "there will be no wholesale, massive reductions of the Russian armed forces."
"Those who wish to see wholesale reductions are headed in the wrong course."
In the wake of Mordecai Kaplan's wholesale reduction of halakhah to folkways, the function of history shifted to vindicating change.
He also said that there would be a larger reduction in public school costs because many of those who would opt out of the public schools would be concentrated in urban areas, allowing for more wholesale reductions.
The objects of the League were to insist upon measures being taken to restore the country to solvency, urge a wholesale reduction of expenditure, fight the battle of local rates and oppose sham Anti-Waste candidates.
Clark Halstead, the managing partner of Halstead, said that these "wholesale" reductions should be seen as a real estate market correction, not necessarily the beginning of a decline.
But he acknowledged that the Chancellor has yet to follow through on an early promise to enact a wholesale reduction in the number of managers at board headquarters in downtown Brooklyn.
"Retail prices should continue to fall if stores pass along the benefits of the wholesale reductions to consumers," he said.
Budget problems also forced Mr. Ellis to undertake wholesale reductions in administrative staff, which led to charges of political influence over hirings and firings.
When you end up with a wholesale reduction in salary, it becomes an interesting proposition.