Its healthy-living philosophy offers home-made organic foods plus a wholesome diet of massage, yoga, and specialist exercise classes.
NOW that increased consumption of complex carbohydrates and fiber is recommended for a wholesome diet, lentils should be on the shopping list.
Obviously, not everything needed in a wholesome diet grew wild or was easy to cultivate.
The problem is likely to be even worse for those who depart from the more wholesome low-fat diet they typically consume.
Experts say the health and longevity of millions of older Americans are being undermined because they are not following wholesome diets.
Gradual mental deterioration or persistent emotional depression are other common impediments to a wholesome diet among older people.
The unremitting labour was good for my body, which built up rapidly by means of this wholesome diet in which I did not stint myself.
My clean living, wholesome diet, avoidance of vices, and vigorous exercise, a supposedly sure formula for health, did not preserve me from this experience.
In addition, you should warn your pup that few vets recommend cellphones as part of a wholesome canine diet.
The fans of free-range champion the bird's wholesome diet, which generally includes no hormones or antibiotics.