Lenny does not have intercourse with her but instead urges her to get away from prostitution and start a wholesome life.
They would have their chance for real, wholesome lives.
It has been said that the "house's strength came from its temporal quality: Light, water and air were meant to induce a wholesome life."
"If there is one thing to set against the wholesome life it is adventure," Chaffery was saying.
In 1927 Winchester said: "We feel that a good wholesome religious life administers to educational standards."
Now we were living an absolutely wholesome life.
"While there hasn't exactly been a land rush, scores of people have moved into this area recently to lead what they perceive to be 'the wholesome life."'
Anyone who has led a wholesome life can be born in them.
I raised him not to care for him the rest of life, but to lead a prosperous, wholesome life.
The city opened the camp during the Depression, when a rural setting seemed to promise the swollen ranks of the urban poor a more wholesome life.