The incorporation of high-quality fishmeal into feed imparts a 'natural or wholesome' characteristic to the final product, such as that provided by wild fish.
We are hard-working family farmers who are dedicated to the humane care of our animals and committed to providing a wholesome product.
We want to make sure we have a safe, wholesome product to sell.
Under the Food Safety Act, they have an obligation to show everything they sell is a wholesome product on which the consumer can rely.
"If consumers follow safe handling procedures, there's no need to scare people about what is really a very wholesome and nutritious product."
It's fun, a very good, wholesome product that I really believe in.
Then, each year, eligible countries are audited to ensure that they continue to produce safe, wholesome products.
The commercial turkey industry in the United States takes great care to produce a healthy, wholesome and safe product at the lowest possible cost to consumers.
Even so, he said, "We're confident that this is a safe, wholesome product that doesn't trigger any concern or carry any danger in its use."
Their chilling implication that Hollywood should make room only for homogenized, wholesome products is almost reason enough to watch in protest.