It is a wholly independent company, owned and managed by its principal directors.
It is the first ever international criminal tribunal wholly independent, in origin and practice, of any government.
If their sales had been included, it would have been one of the few wholly independent records to reach the Top 40.
It seems hard to believe they were wholly independent of each other in such a small area.
Flaunt is a wholly independent magazine published 10 times a year and distributed in over 32 countries.
"He would be a very significant judge wholly independent of his first 10 years on the bench."
It has been a wholly independent label since leaving V2 in 2006.
With four wives he is wholly independent, and need never do a stroke of work again.
"They cannot be wholly independent because of the relationship between the credit card company and the magazine."
In time, he said, the commission could be made wholly independent.