There was also a sense of danger here, that was wholly novel to his experience.
'How will be react in a wholly novel situation like this?'
Though he said he couldn't smell anything, I certainly did, an elusive and wholly novel odor, not nasty or disgusting, but admonitory, all the same.
Mightn't we examine society, sir, with a wholly novel precision and intensity?
The idea of actually situating a parts supplier inside an assembly plant is wholly novel.
In retrospect, it seemed almost inevitable that someone as colourful as Greig should find a wholly novel way of bringing about his own downfall.
It was a wholly novel experience.
If each situation were wholly novel, without some resemblance to previously experienced situations, our ability to cope would be hopelessly crippled.
Fortunately, by the next day I was able to abandon this primitive, though thrilling and wholly novel, military method of relief.
At the time, this was a wholly novel thought for me.