Those longest under its influence were wholly recovered, except for weakness that was attributed to lack of recent nourishment.
"I hope he is wholly recovered?"
Even Joey, now wholly recovered from his illness, rushed off with the others.
Vance had wholly recovered himself, and his voice was casual.
On 6 January 1817, while engaged on this work, he fell a distance of thirty feet, and sustained severe injuries to the head, from which he never wholly recovered.
The club was bombed during the Blitz, in 1941, and never wholly recovered.
Maharaja Dasaratha had never recovered wholly from that final campaign, and his most fervent prayer had always been that his sons would never experience such horrors.
Camilla, now almost wholly recovered as far as he could tell, brought him food while he rested.
When the next lunar noon came around, they were almost wholly recovered; enjoying once more the Castle, and mourning the friends lost.
We trust," said the being, "that you have recovered wholly from your late experience.