One reason is that Congress and the President were both determined that there should be a whopping increase in the defense budget.
He ignored his own lips when he let a whopping increase in Social Security payroll taxes take effect Jan. 1.
Unfortunately, one more thing has been added, and that is a whopping increase over the price of the 1988 coupe.
In this case, a whopping increase in tariffs, from 2.5 percent to 25 percent.
That would be a whopping increase from the bank's current capital of only $4 million.
That whopping increase in tax receipts - a product of economic growth and inflation - is one of the best kept secrets in America.
The city's Finance Department plans to hand out new tax bills with whopping increases to the owners of 18 buildings.
What that means is a whopping increase in Cadillac's slice of the luxury market, which is now 17.4 percent, up from 13.2 percent in 1988.
Where overclocking used to mean taking your 200MHz chip up to 233, the Celeron provided a whopping 50% increase in clock speed.
That is a whopping tenfold increase over the maximum paid as recently as 1970.