He set out against a wicked king, but lost and was captured.
She reached the court of the wicked king and charmed him with her music.
The wicked king who baked his little son in a pie and ate him?
Then he went to play among the treasures left in the chests which had once belonged to the wicked king.
When that wicked king was slain, the dogs, did they not lick his blood?
To some chroniclers, such an 'Act of God' was a just end for a wicked king.
One is his biblical name, that of a wicked king who disobeyed God.
Here is where a wicked king might have locked up a princess.
They taught me at school that William Rufus was a wicked king with red hair - but you couldn't expect us to hate him.
The wicked king's red banner blew from a tower on a cliff.