Checking the bonds on her wrists as if to make sure they're real, not some wicked trick.
Yes, having a human like you as an attendant and friend would help offset any wicked tricks Uncle Peter might be tempted to try.
A bad, wicked trick on your poor old Mam'zelle again?
'But it may be only some wicked trick on the part of the ogre,' said she.
Over and over he would remind me to watch out for Goblin's wicked tricks even though we had lost Goblin years ago.
"They would think I had come for favors and play me a dozen wicked tricks."
He concluded by saying that it "is simply a synthesis of every mildly wicked, tepidly controversial trick in the Cooper handbook.
"They have tried a wicked trick to pull the carpet from under the feet of the mujahedeen," the speaker on the recording says of the authorities.
Or is this some wicked trick of the fend, to seduce me from my duty to my father and to my husband?
They still swing upon my sash ends and play wicked tricks and laugh uproariously at them, but I can no longer understand what they say.