She was standing right there, but she might have been calling across a wide canyon.
They rounded another curve, and the fissure opened abruptly into a wide canyon, long and almost straight.
They followed Lewis for more than two hours, turning into a wide canyon flanked by black basaltic rock.
A pale color of sky, a wide canyon of clear air between the polar storms.
He guided the chopper lower into the wide canyon.
Preliminary scans reveal that it lies at the bottom of a canyon 0.82 kilometers wide.
They began to descend through a narrow cutting, and emerged on to one side of a wide canyon.
It opened into another, wider canyon where the creek they'd been walking along joined the swiftly flowing water of a larger one.
It was a wide, shallow canyon, rimmed with cliffs and jumbled boulders.
The trail north led up the bottom of a wide canyon, its sides scattered with stubby timber and some undergrowth.