His route would take him round to the rear of the shops and the wide alleyway.
The street was just a wide alleyway between two doorless walls.
This was why the two long-roofed structures had been erected on either side of a wide alleyway leading from the arched gate in the rear wall.
An eight foot wide alleyway near where the wounded young man was found was filled with long white wires that Israeli officials say Palestinians used to rig booby traps.
Between each pile was an artificial alleyway, perhaps three feet wide, which allowed them to approach the bow unobserved.
Everything depends on the heavily muscled boatman who knows the secrets of negotiating narrow, watery alleyways no more than one hull wide.
Between the timber warehouse and the next building was a narrow alleyway, barely wide enough to admit the Rolls.
Converse turned right into a wide, empty alleyway.
There were about fifty youths in the wide alleyway.
Louie pulled into a wide, blind alleyway in back of an old garage.