Mazdai was short, stretching to reach 155 centimeters, solid and wide.
The flower head is one to three centimeters wide with layers of pointed phyllaries.
Each is 1 to 1.5 centimeters wide with green phyllaries.
This mussel reaches about 10 centimeters long by 5 wide and 3 high.
Each flower is 3 to 6 centimeters wide and white or cream in color, often tinted with light purple.
It is a tiny annual herb forming small patches on the ground no more than a few centimeters high and wide.
The flower is 2 to 4 centimeters wide and pink to lavender in color.
This is a small perennial herb growing in patches no more than 25 centimeters wide and tall.
At site one the creek was 12 meters (m) wide and 20 centimeters (cm) deep.
Between the spines are clusters of green leaves with blades up to 2.5 centimeters long by 1.5 wide.