He bore little resemblance to the photograph in the newspaper, with wide hamster-like cheeks and a narrow chin masked by his spade beard.
I looked and saw the little girl, Watty, staring at me, her mouth open, tears rolling down her wide, purplish-black cheeks.
Mr. Kuklachev, a small, muscular man with white hair and wide cheeks, smiled and put Marusa away.
One more kick from the warrior woman twisted Sebek's head back while tearing the wound on his cheek even wider.
Its wide cheeks framed a placid mouth and plump chin.
His complexion was sallow-gray like clay and a short-haired bristly, gray beard grew high on his wide cheeks.
When one looked at his eyes, the pug nose and wide, plump cheeks were forgotten.
Also, he drew relatively wide cheeks and big pupils on Bugs' eyes.
His big nose and wide cheeks added to the sturdy frankness of his face.
A short-haired, bristly, gray beard grew high on his wide cheeks.