The town occupied a wide crescent of grass and stony outcroppings enclosing a small, natural harbor.
Volyova smiled, a wide toothy crescent opening beneath the bib of her cap.
The planet now showed a wider crescent than the last time Complain had seen it.
This horseshoe-shaped bay, with its wide crescent of soft pink sand, is arguably Bermuda's most beautiful beach.
Thoron cried, looking at the wide crescent of burial mounds.
Errant smiled and pointed a gloved fist at the wide crescent of spearmen spread across the bank.
There were about twenty-five of the things, strung out in a wide crescent.
The city itself was laid out in a wide crescent, the arms of its extremities encircling the port.
Away to the left, the cliff fell back in a wide crescent, and nearly opposite him a river tumbled over the edge.
Eliphas's smile was a wide white crescent in his black face.