The replacement of wainscotting, wide floorboards, stained-glass windows, paneling or intricate moldings is expensive.
Her footsteps sounded on the wide wooden floorboards, then were muffled on the handwoven rug as she crossed the room.
Except in the center hall, the wide floorboards had to be waxed, not sanded.
Donfil had to stoop so low that his knuckles almost trailed on the wide floorboards.
The result of the law caused a patriotic backlash of sentiment, making it unfashionable to have floorboards less than 12 inches wide.
It still has the original wide floorboards and ceiling beams, as well as antique Delft tiles around one of its five fireplaces.
A homey braided rug covered the wide floorboards here, soft under his bare feet.
"The wide floorboards had been replaced - we brought them back," he noted.
The wide wooden floorboards were cold against her feet.
The meeting room on the first floor has a fireplace, paneling and wide floorboards, both in pine and all original.