The result is a gender confusion never experienced at such a wide level in the history of the world.
As a consequence, interest rate spreads have moved to their widest level so far this year.
What we proposed to the county was to go to the next level, to offer a whole, wide, comprehensive level of services.
This north-south running highland is some three miles wide and 300 feet above sea level.
The main hall of the second basement was much like the first level, wide and dusty but with a lower ceiling.
It also has members whose values are somewhat more liberal than those in the wider levels of Church governance.
It has a wide lower level and a smaller second story.
They are currently gaining considerable attention across the music industry, as a band who may soon break into a wider level of recognition.
The changes in work and the loss of jobs associated with new technology have to be tackled at a wider level.
There is political momentum on this issue on a wider level.