Some analysts think that the company's lenders forced the change because they are becoming impatient over the wider losses.
The wider loss includes costs of 600 million francs for a three-year restructuring plan.
The company also said it now expected a net loss of $350 million next year and predicted a wider loss for the fourth quarter.
The biggest Internet retailer warned of wider losses as it spends heavily on promotion and new services.
He largely attributed the wider loss in North America to the decision to cut production of larger vehicles.
Since April 1, three major bank groups have said they will post much wider losses for the just-finished year.
Sadly, this may also reflect a wider loss of faith in human possibility.
Revenue rose from $487 million to $527 million, but it posted a wider loss of $560 million.
Advanced Micro warned last week that it would post a wider loss than expected for the third quarter.
The company announced the buyback the same day it reported a wider loss for the first quarter.