The room's mostly dark, but you have enough light to see a wide, open ramp leading up to a second floor.
At the east end of the arena was a wide ramp descending into it.
Out of one, a wide ramp descended at a slant toward the ground.
Down from between the towers dropped a wide ramp, the approach to the bridge-head.
The place was deserted and a concrete ramp, two cars wide, led upward to the street.
Quietly, the three walked to the end of the corridor and then down the wide ramp that descended in a half circle.
Now a wide ramp was emerging from an expanding hold aperture.
Instead of the usual staircase going up to the main front door, the building has a wide ramp with a gentle slope.
I did, running up a wide ramp that went through a large rectangular opening.
He stepped on to the wide, sweeping ramp that moved upward under him.