Before the travellers lay a wide ravine, with great rocky sides to which clung, upon shelves and in narrow crevices, a few thrawn trees.
Above was a flat, gravel-strewn plateau which was cut a few yards further to the north by a wide ravine.
There was a sliver of a view, looking down into the wide ravine of scenic Rock Creek Park.
Stunned, Shea moved past him and pushed his way through the ring of horsemen, his eyes quickly searching the length of the wide ravine.
It was a wide ravine that cut and twisted across town--a jungle by day, a place to let alone at night, Mother often declared.
Only twice did they come to major obstructions: The first was a deep, wide ravine across their path, running out of the northwest and down to the southeast.
The second day they descended into a wider ravine that gradually widened out onto a forested bench.
He glanced idly toward the cliff at the other end of the wider ravine -and stopped dead.
Beyond it, the ground dropped suddenly away into a wide, steep-sided ravine, and Kim could hear water running somewhere nearby.
The forest was sliced through by a deep, wide ravine, like a half-healed scar in the yellow-red autumn skin of the earth.