But Frazier has searched for wider renown and struggled to shed his bitterness.
In the 19th century, this hermitage gained wide renown for its "startsy".
A wider renown came to Hujar after he died, curious enough for a man whose work was so conscious of the end of things.
The program was hugely successful and Perry, along with his co-stars, gained wide renown among television viewers.
The circumstance has brought your name into most wide and unfortunate renown.
In its time it had wide renown, and became a classical handbook in many countries.
Many Frasers have earned wide renown over the years.
By the end of the 1880s, Machado had gained wide renown as a writer.
Working before the age of celebrity journalism, he did not gain wide public renown.
But although his feats had won him wide renown, he had yet to choose a brood-mate.