They move more slowly than the impatient native species, and in wider rows.
About the only thing Matt could see clearly were wide rows of teeth.
Across the room, a large wall safe had been opened, revealing a wide double row of thin, metal-bound files.
Polished wooden pews ran in two wide rows up towards what would have been an altar.
It in some ways correlates to your pushing a wide row of blocks.
All the while, four wide rows of seats were filled with people murmuring among themselves as they waited for their cases to be called.
There was a long wide row across the wall reflecting an image of the world outside the ship.
You must be able to reach the center of a wide row comfortably from either side.
It is based on the idea that the wide rows in traditional gardening are a waste of time, work, water and area.
Planting in up to 90cm wide rows allows a well-rounded ridge to be formed.