Wandering, they found themselves upon a wide scar running along his right side.
The smudge stood out there like a wide, dark scar.
Cerryl noted the wide red scar across the back of his large left hand.
On her slender wrist was a wide scar, completely circling it.
A wide white scar showed on the side of the right forearm.
At the bottom of the hill the wide, deep scar of an ancient riverbed cut across the land.
The huge man had a flat, expressionless face that bore several wide, reddish scars.
Near one of these the grasses seemed to grow thinner, and a clear space was marked with a wide scar of ash.
The wide scar along the underside of the breast found by conventional procedures is eliminated.
Byr walked out of the tower that day with one hand still held over the wide scar in her abdomen.