The wound had already closed to a narrow slit barely as wide as his waist.
The mouth was a wide slit with many needlelike teeth protruding from the thin lips.
His eyes glowed crimson through the wide slits at the top of the helmet and fell upon the Oberdoktor.
The hood had wide slits for the eyes and mouth.
A minimum 2 mm wide slit produces a maximum 1/1000 sec.
In addition, a minimum 1.7 mm wide slit would double top shutter speed to a maximum 1/2000 sec.
Two dark slits, hardly wider than her own hand, flanked the bark-covered door - she sensed no life here.
Horizontal slits, six inches high and two or three feet wide, served to admit light and ventilation.
His mouth was a wide lipless slit beneath the glasses, pressed tightly shut.
A wide slit opened at eye-level, and I could see the stars.