It is also known as the widest waterfalls in the Philippines.
Icy water rushed down from above, a wide waterfall in the main, for way up ahead in the peaks the Tross had its secret source.
While it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, it is claimed to be the largest.
A rush of dark water ran up the rock, and then poured down the western side of the ridge in a waterfall some hundred meters wide.
Especially grand, and soothing, too, is the waterfall, 103 feet wide and 22 feet high, on the driveway into the hotel just before the porte-cochere.
It also features the widest waterfall in Europe.
It is a very big, wide and deep waterfall.
The waterfall, 40 feet wide, is framed by a set of steps and by two side walls planted with ivy.
Not too far south from the town the river turns into a wide waterfall: Salto Pirapó.
The wide waterfall provides a thrilling ride down a natural slide.