Mac's answer was followed by a wide yawn.
But the very words "municipal utility district" inspired a wide public yawn.
The senator elicited several wide yawns and what looked like a smile.
"I'll be all right when I've had some more sleep," he murmured, around a wide yawn.
Maggie started to argue but an abrupt, wide yawn took the wind out of her sails.
I felt the wide yawn he did not disguise- Where is he?
"Chuckee hungry," a new voice said as Chuck woke up with a wide yawn.
"I ought to help you get the meal ready," Susannah said, and then her mouth opened in a wide yawn.
His face contorts and his mouth breaks into a long, wide yawn.
Jamie turned off the camera with the remote control box in his hand and made a wide, long, exaggerated yawn.