Pushing himself up and away from the dash, Buhle looked at his driver in wide-eyed surprise.
But after the cuffs went on, he switched to wide-eyed surprise.
He pushed them across the counter to Bertha, who looked at the dwarf with wide-eyed surprise.
The nearest spriggan looked up at her in wide-eyed surprise.
Natalie stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Lois with wide-eyed surprise.
On the floor among the cushions sat Belqassim's three wives, staring up at her in wide-eyed surprise.
Washington gave him a look of wide-eyed surprise.
He sat where he landed, his legs stretched out in front of him, looking up with wide-eyed surprise.
When she looked up, Aletto was staring at her in wide-eyed surprise.
Harry looked at her with wide-eyed surprise as she packed what books they had.