He saw that the warrior was completely human, a big man, wide-shouldered and yellow-haired, with friendly blue eyes.
The first, a wide-shouldered man in a blue sport coat, held a nickel-plated revolver.
Then the crowd broke apart as a wide-shouldered, yellow-bearded man shoved his way inside.
Hussara is a very big man, wide-shouldered, with great muscled arms and legs.
He was a short, wide-shouldered man with a decided limp that slowed him not a particle.
Kuhlmann was a small wide-shouldered man with dark hair and a mouth which was also wide.
Nangi, turning, saw a wide-shouldered man sitting in a wheelchair.
"Picture, but bad readings," a wide-shouldered man on the upper deck grumbled down.
"The tail might be right, Rex," the wide-shouldered man said.
8observed by a couple of wide-shouldered men lounging on the porch.