To their surprise the insignificant fissure widened into a regular valley after a few miles.
Their passage widened after a sharp turn and they suddenly found themselves facing the Queen of Roksamur in her throne chamber.
As Nepalese diaspora is rapidly widening around the world after 1990, many books are published from different corners of the world.
It is expected to widen even further after that.
The loss widens to $518.9 million after amortization costs, which reflect how much owners paid to buy their teams.
At all lights north of Bridgewater center, the road widens to four lanes temporarily, before and after the intersection.
He stuck his head through and saw that the tunnel actually widened after a few feet.
Statistics on the nation's trade deficit, which widened to $14.4 billion after two months of improvement.
A 70-year-old foundation crack, which has worked its way from the basement to the second-floor rotunda, widened and extended after Sept. 11.
His lead widened slightly, to 150 votes, after the counting of some 5,200 absentee ballots.