Even more disturbing, the differences between the leaders and the laggards on the pay equality front have widened since the rise of feminism.
They are also unhappy with the company's unending string of losses, which have widened every year since 1993.
The gap has considerably widened since 2002-3 when the deficit was only $1.06 billion.
That gap has widened since 1989-90, when Jersey City was spending at a rate $1,344 beneath the wealthiest areas.
But the shortfall in expected revenue has widened since February.
In 1891, it was found that the gap had widened from 25 to 30m since 1886.
The road has not been widened since 1980s.
According to Walsh et al. it appears to have widened since the 1970s.
Meanwhile, in this country the aperture for news from elsewhere has widened considerably since Sept. 11.
The Jordan Factor has widened since his comeback last year.