Since then the initiative has been widened to include any person who regards themselves as being in their third age.
In 1997, her field of competence was widened to include consumer health protection and food safety.
The course composition has been progressively widened to include members from over 40 different countries.
At this time, the bridge was widened to include a second track on its northern or eastern side.
If the scheme goes ahead and is a success, it could be widened to include women in other professions, such as the law.
These days the coalition of the shrill has widened to include almost every independent budget expert.
His repertoire has since widened to include composers of the 19th and 20th century.
Consequently, the parameters of the exhibition were widened to include such items.
In 1866, the scope of the award was widened to include major contributions to French national education and culture made by anyone, including foreigners.
This is to be widened to include all firearms.