Set in a time of widespread atrocities, this wise first novel trains a spotlight on one woman's narrow experience.
The decade-long civil war garnered regular headlines thanks to widespread atrocities committed by rebel soldiers; many of them not yet in their teens.
County Wexford was the only area which saw widespread atrocities by the rebels during the rebellion.
The US State Department in 2006 released a human rights report that accused Iraq's police force of widespread atrocities.
The Yugoslav Army and the Serbian police were accused of committing widespread atrocities during the conflict.
Critics have questioned the new president's record during Guatemala's 36-year civil war, when the army committed widespread atrocities.
After the massacre, Croatian authorities denied reports of widespread atrocities targeting Serbs and said that they were propaganda.
American newspapers have given little coverage to widespread governmental atrocities and the lack of effectiveness of aid.
Thousands have fled their homes, fearing widespread atrocities.
The Soviet forces had carried out widespread atrocities during their occupation, including mass looting, rape and murder of civilians.