The company's call for a vote has won widespread backing in the business community.
Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
An American-led war on terrorism, intelligently conceived and relentlessly pursued as part of a strategy of multilateral engagement, would have strong, widespread backing.
Combination therapy remains a valid concept, they said, and has widespread backing among experts and from other data.
The family also called for a boycott of Aruba, which gained Alabama Governor Bob Riley's support but failed to gain widespread backing.
Lawmakers say any plan to expand the reservists' role would win widespread backing in Congress.
Charles T. Mathews, a lawyer who heads a committee to support Judge Karlin, said he had mobilized widespread backing among lawyers and judges.
It followed a rebellion in 1952 touched off by the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement, the first party in the country's history to gain widespread popular backing.
But the support does seem to have widespread backing in Wales these days.
In one important area, indeed, the Thatcher government did launch a bold change of course, and one that had widespread popular backing among working people.