It causes widespread radioactive contamination, killing the targeted city with radiation poisoning.
Indeed, countless communities across the globe suffer from widespread environmental contamination.
Because of all the testing, there is widespread radiological contamination of the site.
It killed at least 32 people and caused widespread radioactive contamination.
Q. I know your company was not involved, but the recent widespread contamination of bagged spinach put food safety in the public spotlight.
However, campaigners counter with examples of widespread contamination that has already occurred despite assurances and promises from scientists.
Because of the widespread contamination from the anthrax, the land remained a no-go area until 1990.
The hardened waste may then be disinterred with less danger of widespread contamination.
Soil from the land was repurposed throughout the city, leading to widespread contamination of air and water, including the Chikaskia River.
The earliest studies were done in Europe a decade ago and found similar widespread, low-level contamination.