Amid heightened community concern over the noise, congestion and danger, the police have begun a widespread crackdown along the boulevard.
The Associated Press described the charges as continuation of "a widespread crackdown on the movement against President Vladimir Putin".
In 2008, during a widespread crackdown by Deby on his political opponents, a campaign began to guarantee Djiraibe safe passage out of Chad.
As part of the widespread crackdowns, Bahraini authorities razed Shiite mosques they claimed were built illegally or had other violations.
Senior US envoy Michael Posner urged authorities to prosecute those responsible for widespread crackdowns against the anti-government uprising.
This statement galvanised public opinion against the leftists, and caused a widespread crackdown on leftist activities.
On 24 December 2009 he was detained as part of a widespread crackdown against members of the former DTP party.
Their punishment reflects a widespread crackdown on misconduct in American schools.
The case comes during a widespread crackdown on spiritual groups in China that began with the banning of the larger Falun Gong movement a year ago.
However, the Thaksin regime began to dismantle the southern administration organization and replaced it with a notoriously corrupt police force which immediately began widespread crackdowns.