The volunteers found that there was widespread malnutrition, which they helped fight by making pills of 'Marmite' yeast extract.
There is serious, widespread malnutrition and disease.
There are a number of potential disruptions to global food supply that could cause widespread malnutrition.
There is some evidence that widespread malnutrition lowers economic growth in affected countries by two to four percentage points a year.
Reduced food production and the loss of many rice paddies led to widespread malnutrition and disease.
The plantations did not produce food for feeding the Philippine people, and widespread malnutrition resulted.
The resulting shortage of rice caused widespread malnutrition, and mass starvation would have occurred had the war continued.
The poor quality of the ships led to widespread malnutrition, disease, and death among the deported Acadians.
Yemen is suffering from a water crisis that is causing widespread malnutrition.
UN sanctions caused widespread malnutrition and medical care became inadequate throughout Iraq.