Spratling had received widespread notoriety as a result of his development of what many considered a model handwrought industry.
This led to a huge rise in their success and more widespread notoriety.
The Turkish market consumed over 300,000 copies, providing for widespread notoriety for each of the contributing artists.
It had gained widespread notoriety all over Kerala, but the practice has been considerably curtailed in recent times.
The resulting uproar was an extreme embarrassment for the French government, which quickly censored the book but could not prevent its widespread notoriety.
The photo gained widespread notoriety after Guevara's death in Bolivia.
Extensive newspaper coverage bestowed widespread and enduring international notoriety on the Ripper.
The area had earlier gained widespread notoriety for its hellish appearance.
Both bans were difficult to enforce, however; fishing with dynamite continued in 1989 despite the widespread notoriety attached to this activity.
This is as close as the show ever has come to any widespread notoriety.