Initially they succeeded in restoring order and helping to end the widespread starvation brought on by civil war.
In this month "widespread starvation started in Rangpur district", the region which would become one of three most afflicted.
Keeping distribution centers running is critical to averting widespread starvation, aid workers said.
Soviet policies on the peninsula led to widespread starvation in 1921.
The fishing fleet was sunk, I understand, and there is now widespread starvation.
As the English population was fed by its own agricultural produce, a series of bad harvests in the 1590s caused widespread starvation and poverty.
In The Eye of the World, he attempted to cause widespread starvation through prolonged winter.
Gandira caused widespread starvation among the rural population due to the little time left to produce food for themselves.
The fact that widespread starvation has never occurred in a democracy is seldom pointed out by anyone.
In the "broad span" of history, he notes, the nation has been spared secret police, enjoyed extended prosperity and avoided widespread starvation.