Developed in the 1920s and popularized in the 1960s, Bauhaus became a widespread trend throughout the world.
Chicago is the most extreme experiment in a widespread trend toward moving authority from large central offices to smaller units, be they local boards or schools.
Conversion to block scheduling became a relatively widespread trend in the 1990s for middle schools and high schools in the United States.
But the new, more widespread trend in hospital service is focused on basic etiquette: smiling, saying hello, apologizing for mistakes.
The decision to develop another line bearing the Dockers name, aimed at a different market, is emblematic of two widespread trends in consumer-product marketing.
Rare cases in literature reveal atypical conditions, but these are often exclusive to the individual and do not suggest a widespread trend.
Though Virginia passed a law with limited effect in 1979, a more widespread trend began in California in 1996.
No one doubts that Europe is slowing down, but there is much less agreement about how serious and widespread the trend will be.
In this, they diverge from the widespread trend of making loudspeakers sound forward and brash.
Perhaps one of the most important developments of the last few years has been a steady but widespread trend towards protectionism.