One widow wrote to thank the organisers and said it was the most moving service she had ever attended.
In 1862, 11 years after Audubon's death, his widow wrote to the Historical Society asking $5,000 for her husband's life's work.
In anticipation, his widow, Rachel Robinson, and his daughter, Sharon, have each written an "intimate" account.
Too many widows wrote and told me about so and so who followed my guidelines but had a heart attack.
Pepper's widow, Laurie Pepper, wrote the excellent companion essay, though the lack of a proper song-and-personnel list can make things confusing.
Several widows wrote that the annual benefit also means that someone remembers their husband's sacrifice.
Also, an elderly widow writes about rekindling a sexual affair with her first lover, a man she slept with 50 years ago.
His widow at once wrote to New York and offered to make up the sum in question.
His widow would write a small-press book about him in 1947.
After Baskett's death, his widow wrote Disney and told him that he had been a "friend indeed and [we] certainly have been in need."